Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome to 2011!

Hope everyone had a great, safe night last night.

I look forward to 2011.  I've got so much planned.

I think I've secured a Silver Fox rabbit breeder or two that aren't too much of a drive (although it WILL be a day trip), so I will have a pair of rabbits here in the next two or three months.

I just ordered my seeds for the spring garden.  I'm so excited about this year's garden.  The Architect is actually getting excited about it, too, and since he's agreed to help me with the garden this year, we're at least tripling the size of what I had last year.

...I might snag a bunch of compost from Bubba and Crash since I don't have a compost heap of my own yet.  That's another item on the 2011 list, especially since rabbit manure is supposed to be so amazing for gardens.

The 2011 garden list has three varieties of tomato, two types of bell pepper, melon, zucchini, squash, green beans, corn, strawberries, cucumbers, and a few flower breeds to attract bees.

I'm saving up for a pressure canner so I can learn to can all the food we're going to grow.

I hope everyone is doing well.  Let's make this year a great one!


  1. I'm glad that you've found some Silver Fox rabbits!

    I am considering buying a couple of larger Mini Rex and breed to increase size since Standard Rex are so impossible to find.

  2. Good idea on the flowers for bee attraction. That was a problem for us, and many others from what I understand, this past year.

  3. Yup. I've got sunflowers and echinacea (both known bee-attractors) seeds ready to go. :)

  4. IS time to order seeds isn't it? Thanks for the reminder! Hope to continue seeing your blog posts about your soon-to-be rabbits. I've been on the fence about raising rabbits for meat & it's nice to hear someone else talk about their journey into rabbithood!

  5. I hope it goes well. I've bred and shown chinchillas (the rodent), and I still have half a dozen. Although rabbits are a bit more fragile than chinchillas, it seems their husbandry is similar for the most part.

    I will be documenting it in detail. :)

    Get your seeds! :)

  6. We are ordering our seeds this week...I have been drooling over seed catalogs for weeks. Nothing like garden porn!
    I finally got some pictures posted to my blog of the critters here at Frippery Farm! Come on over to the blog and check them out!
